What We Do

Environmental Compliance

We pride ourselves in ensuring our clients are fully compliant with not only local environmental regulations but the voluntary standards our clients subscribe to.

The main components of our environmental compliance service are:

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Environmental Auditing and Monitoring
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment
  • Peer review of Environmental Statements on behalf of Local Planning Authorities
  • Expert Witness

We are very aware that the legal requirement for an ESIA can add significant cost and delay to a client’s project. However, it is also a tool that if appropriately directed can create business efficiencies in terms of cost savings as well as demonstrate environmental stewardship. For this reason we are always be open, proactive and pragmatic in our approach to ESIAs and work closely with clients to set and agree project scopes.

The Envirowise Advantage
Our thorough understanding of the local environment, regulations, policies and practices combined with a clear client focus enable the straightforward understanding of often opaque and unfamiliar regulatory structures. We maintain strong and successful professional relationships with regulatory authorities, and an extensive and up-to-date knowledge of legislative frameworks as well as their underpinning objectives. Beyond consent we regularly support our clients during all project phases’ right through operation with environmental management advice.

How can we help?

  • Full ESIAs or free-standing technical reports
  • Environmental advice and support for a range of development schemes
  • Provide Expert Witness

Environmental Due Diligence

Environmental liabilities can be large and often hidden. The need for environmental due diligence is often an integral part of acquiring companies, land/ premises and there continues to be many examples of purchasers and investors being hit with unforeseen costs.
Unrecognized liabilities relating to land or water contamination, or impending permitting requirements, tend to cost investors a lot of funds and timely operational delays and, in worst-case scenarios, they can result in criminal penalties for directors.

Envirowise has considerable experience of supporting both vendors and purchasers in this process.We are able to provide reliable and pragmatic advice on issues that have or may have a material impact on the balance sheet/value so as to allow informed decisions to be made on the investment and on issues such as warranties, indemnities, insurance solutions and ultimately, the paid price

Our environmental due diligence services offer the following benefits to our clients:

  • Environmental liabilities are identified and quantified so that they can be managed
  • Environmental knowledge is turned to commercial advantage in land transactions
  • Land value is maximized

Our activities in support of environmental due diligence includes:

  • Environmental audit of facilities and operations
  • Review of environmental information
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Identification and monetisation of environmental liabilities

The Envirowise Advantage
Our thorough understanding of the local environment, regulations, policies and practices combined with a clear understanding of client focus enable the straightforward understanding of often opaque and unfamiliar regulatory structures. Our experienced Due Diligence professionals are used to working closely with the legal industry and understand their requirements

How can we Help?

  • Review of environmental compliance with regulations.
  • Performing environmental due diligence in various business areas.
  • Expert Witness

Corporate Sustainability & Reporting

Envirowise works with organizations in both the public and private sectors by advising them on how to manage their relationship with the natural environment and to prepare for a changing regulatory climate. We advise clients from all sectors on low carbon operation, resource efficiency, restoration and management of natural resources and waste minimisation.
Corporate reporting is evolving towards reporting that integrates traditional financial information with environmental, social and governance information. We help clients accelerate toward meeting these new reporting expectations, from executives, shareholders, investors, employees, consumers and other stakeholders.
Envirowise provides advisory services to assist clients in developing internal controls over nonfinancial reporting to provide greater confidence in this important information, which is used for operational decisions and public reporting.
Through our engagement, clients may choose to become internationally recognized for their efforts by attaining 1SO 14001certification. Envirowise will provide full support with the development and implementation of a workable environmental management system.

Envirowise provides clear, action-based advice that improves our clients’ environmental performance.

The Envirowise Advantage
Our associates have been involved in non financial reporting for various private sector organizations. Through such activities, businesses ensure that that they are in tandem consumer expectations. Openness of this nature also ensures that consumers and the general understand clearly the endeavors and bottlenecks of a firm’s operations towards better environmental and social performance. We have helped more than 10 organisations attain ISO 14001 certification

How can we Help?

  • Perform CSR analysis and develop a sustainable strategy
  • Provide detailed specialist sustainability benchmarking service
  • Develop a workable environmental management system to ISO 14001 standard

WISE Programmes

Our ‘Wise’ programmes have been created and designed to target both private sector companies, public institutions as well as communities with their various needs.


Our Climatewise programme provides bespoke consultancy on various Climate Change related issues such as:

  • The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) where we provide assistance to private and public sector organisations in various economic sectors to develop projects that may qualify for carbon credits under the CDM and/or any other Carbon Credit Facility.
  • Carbon Foot printing and reporting where we assist organizations in quantifying carbon emissions associated with their products and/or services.
  • Climate Change Awareness where we provide training and help support programmes designed to initiate activities that reduce carbon emissions as well as raise climate change awareness.


The availability of clean water is an ongoing issue that millions of Tanzanians face every day. By collaborating with local authorities, government institutions and NGOs, our Waterwise programme involves designing sustainable ways of providing access to clean water.

We may offer the service through a charitable venture that targets rural areas and/or on a commercial basis aimed at urban outskirts. Our Waterwise programme is an effort to launch initiatives that will benefit communities where water scarcity continues to be a problem.

Envirowise offers access to the following water services:

  • Complete Water borehole drilling service of up to 150 meters
  • Designing and building water harvesting systems