Dar es Salaam is undergoing a major transport programme, with new roads, rail and transit systems being introduced within a decade. Gerezani is a major focus of this investment being located at the confluence of the first 3 key BRT lines.
Located on the western edge of the downtown, Gerezani is flanked by the citys main commuter railway line and port railway line. It has capacity for a high density mixed use development. It is identified with capacity for some 2000 homes, low cost retail and work premises, high quality public realm and other benefits.

Proposed land use
The district will be highly permeable with increased access for pedestrians and cyclists and increased vehicle controls. Better street management will ensure wider footways for pedestrian movement, and increased tree cover. The district will have a designated bijaji stands, and licensed market stalls.
Street Traders within Gerezani/Kariakoo area
The Kariakoo / Gerezani area represents one of the major commercial centres of the city (both formal and informal sectors). The surrounding areas of this station contains the highest density of street vendors.
A large number of roaming traders occupy the space in front of the station obstructing pedestrian flows and the public realm.

Existing Street vendor mapping Gerezani terminal
The location of informal traders tracks the main pedestrian flows, connecting to Gerezani Terminal to Kariakoo market which operates as a major pedestrian attractor.
Need to decongest public spaces occupied by street vendors around BRT stations. Decluttering will provide greater circulation space through locating stalls in clustered accessible locations. There is scope to remodel Kariakoo Market as a model outdoor retail environment with good links to BRT stations.
PO-RALG 2018 Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project Phase 1 Corridor Development Strategy Vol 1 Part A CDS Vision & Strategy 2018-2032
PO-RALG 2018 Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project Phase 1 Corridor Development Strategy Vol 2 Baseline Assessment & Diagnosis of BRT corridor