The current open space in Dar es Salaam is limited and has, in some instances, been encroached on due to pressures of residential demand and lack of affordable housing in the city. The opening of BRT Phase 1 has increased mobility and significantly increased access to the open space.
Strategy provides recommendations for open space that are applicable to each of the BRT stations and their catchment zones. It seeks to connect the network of green spaces and waterfront areas and increase its biodiversity value through the inclusion of new parks, gardens, tree planting to improve living standards by allowing residents greater access to green space. Strategy seeks to designate protected park zones where limited development related to environmental, educational and recreational uses would be permitted.
Relatively high density areas around stations are balanced with different types of open space including parks, pocket squares. Seeks to create walkable neighbourhoods and pedestrian friendly urban blocks. They would include pedestrian routes throughout a neighbourhood, leaving enough space for public space and pedestrian circulation. It promotes canopies along BRT routes to ensure weather comfort.
It is proposed that stormwater is managed at a local level through a Sustainable Urban Drainage, and at a regional level through stormwater detention. Strategy recommends that open space identified within the corridor are combined with regional stormwater detention facilities. Residential areas have an identified need for 15-20% open space; corridor focus areas >15%; corridor station areas >5%. Proposals include:
Typology 1 City Park (50ha+) – Msimbazi/Jangwani Park & City centre Recreation area – latter collection of space Gymkhana Club, Botanic Gardens, waterfront promenade and historic city centre pedestrian zones have potential as destination spaces.

Typology 2 District Park (10ha+) – city centre waterfront upgraded promenade and streetscape pedestrianization projects; two medium sized parks at Kinondoni; upgraded river and creeks network with expanded areas such as north of Argentina BRT, Ubungo has two flood alleviation ponds as part of the DMDP project.
Typology 3 Historic City Centre Pedestrian Zone – part of open space network to contain different street characters including pedestrian routes which concentrate social, commercial and retail activities. Includes the outer city centre between Msimbazi river and Bibi Titi Mohammed Street; historic city centre with charismatic colonial buildings and pleasant urban street spaces. These would support brt phases 1, 3, 4.
Typology 4 River channel corridors (1km catchment) – combining public amenity with nature conservation, flood alleviation and urban regeneration. Includes Msimbazi flood plains and river creeks running into it.
Typology 07 Last Mile Connector Routes – safe walking routes connecting local centres with the BRT and its feeders.
Typology 08 Local Centres/Regeneration – designate centre within 1km of station area could include family-oriented activities, commercial uses and waste collection points, playgrounds.
Typology 09 Waterfront – city wide assets may be a landmark for local residents and visitors. Areas to accommodate wide range of events. At waterfront BRT stations and interchanges.
Strategy seeks to connect the network of green spaces and waterfront areas and increase its biodiversity value through the inclusion of new parks, gardens, tree planting to improve living standards by allowing residents greater access to green space. The DMDP seeks to clean and enhance river valleys particularly Msimbazi (see The Mzimbazi Opportunity Plan 2019-2024)
PO-RALG 2018 Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project Phase 1 Corridor Development Strategy Vol 1 Part A CDS Vision & Strategy 2018-2032
PO-RALG 2018 Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project Phase 1 Corridor Development Strategy Vol 2 Baseline Assessment & Diagnosis of BRT corridor